Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What's YOUR Guilty Pleasure?!

What's Your Guilty Pleasure?1

Guilty pleasures...things that dominate your attention...things that bring you literal GLEE...things that you will ALWAYS want/"NEED"/have... LOL!

Amy's guilty pleasures:  school supplies & scrapbook / planner supplies!

Regina's guilty pleasures:  naps & romantic comedies!

Both Amy & Regina:  Hallmark / Lifetime style Christmas movies and Christmas shopping!!!

What are your guilty pleasures?! We will go to extreme lengths to garner / procure / attain (choose your verb) our guilty pleasures!

Typically kiddos dread a hint that summer vacation is over. Not me!  I was the kid who ALWAYS jumped for joy when school supplies started appearing on shelves in the heat of Texas summers. The neatness and crispness of fresh spiral notebooks...new PENS in every possible color and pristine white or pink pencil erasers, .5mm pencil leads ...folders with pockets and brads... Ahhhhhhhh, THOSE were simple things of JOY for me! 

To this day, I get butterflies when I see the first ads of the summer for school supplies... I follow the ads... I keep an eye out on sales at my local stores...  I start purchasing extra Sunday newspapers, clipping coupons for my favorite products (and any coupons for something free - usually new product)... I make my list, check it twice, thrice and once again... And.I.BUY.SCHOOL.SUPPLIES at the peak of their sale times with GREAT ABANDON!! 

We specifically budget school supplies into the plan for the last months of summer...

When it's time, I can help you find the greatest buys on school supplies in your area! Just comment me when it's time, and I'll gladly help!  Coupons, advertisements, whether cheaper in bulk or small quantities... I'm your girl!  As I type, I have 2 boxes of neat and crisp brand new spiral notebooks in the guest room dresser and 2 boxes of the pencils I like. :)  NECESSITY!! Truly!  In a year, I've gone through about 3 boxes of 24 single subject spiral notebooks. And I use them!  Every.single.day!

NOTE:  I'm not a student or a teacher (well, always a student, always a teacher...but you know what I mean)...

My turn... When it comes to nap time for me, Regina, I make no bones about it... It refreshes my day, it relaxes my body and mind.  It eases any unnecessary stresses. I.LOVE.NAPS!  The most challenging thing to achieving a good nap:  no conversation... LOL! It's so easy to intend to take a nap... But once that head meets the pillow in the light of day, it seems (75% of the time, anyway), that the greatest conversations arise, the never-ending list of things to-do, tomorrow's tasks and what's for dinner... And then I'm hungry!  Actually getting a nap in these days is truly a treat... Just give me one, and I'll RUN with it!!! 

Speaking of Amy's guilty pleasure, school supplies, always reminds me of my very FAVORITE romantic comedy, "You've Got Mail"!  There is dialogue in the film that Kathleen Kelly, played by Meg Ryan, mentions, "bouquets of sharpened pencils..." It's just one of the hundreds of beautiful phrases in the dialogue of this truly endearing movie that make us long for a brownstone in Manhattan for the fall. Amy really shares my guilty pleasure in the love of romantic comedies...but her obsession with scrapbook and planner supplies must be noted...

Okay, okay, Regina... Hi. My name is Amy. I'm a scrapbook / planner supply addict. I TOTALLY own that one with PRIDE! :D

I could easily open a store and be in business for a year without having to purchase inventory... And even still...when a good sale comes along, if there's room in the budget to wiggle a little special treat, I'll always choose scrapbook & planner supplies... EVERY.SINGLE.TIME!  I must admit... The quality of washi tape and planner-friendly stickers found at Dollar Tree is outstanding! I will almost never purchase scrapbook or planner supplies at regular prices. They MUST be on sale!  And when they're on an excellent sale, I MUST purchase more so that I build up the collection I'm using to RAK! 

Then we have Hallmark / Lifetime style Christmas movies!  Christmas in July is a REAL THING, and it's when we start shopping for Christmas, start planning for Christmas... It really isn't about the "things", it's about the joy in giving, the fun in the find and accomplishment of checking off months of lists - viable, useful, necessary and organized lists... We have 2 DVRs that are at least 50% full of Christmas movies!  And those movies aren't just waiting to get watched and deleted... OH NO...they're parked there to STAY!  (We (*Amy*) also hoard "Modern Family", "The Middle", "Grey's Anatomy" and "Glee" episodes... - full disclosure is best, lol)!  

So we have...school supplies, naps, scrapbook and planner supplies, romantic comedies, Christmas movies and shopping that qualify as OUR guilty pleasures!!! 

Comment below with your guilty pleasures (please...keep them family friendly), and we'll RAK ONE person something related to YOUR guilty pleasure to help celebrate YOU!!!

We'll leave this RAK open until Sunday, February 8th, 11:59pm. Comment as noted above by then, and you'll be entered in the drawing. We will select a winner at random on Wednesday, February 11th and notify him/her by email!! 

Thanks for reading. Follow us, share our link with your family and friends!! Start your own discussions around the dinner table, at your meet & greets, sports games, Sunday School classes, home-school meetings, crops, book clubs and any other gathering.., EVERYONE has a simple and sweet guilty pleasure! Get to know them! :) They bring joy to those who have them and even more joy to those who share them! 

Happy Planning!
Amy & Regina

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